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How to Open an IUL Account​

The Short & Quick Explanation of Opening an IUL

1. Call us at 866.OPEN.IUL ext 1 | We are available 24 hours/day, 365 days/year  If we don't answer, one of our agents will call you back if you have to leave a message.

2. We will do an illustration and prepare your application together over the phone or via Zoom.  

3. You will need to have in hand;

a. Government ID (drivers license, or passport, State ID etc)

b. If you have a doctor, hospital, or clinic, you must provide enough information for us to look them up online.  And give us an idea of the last time you saw them, the reason & result.

c. Names of beneficiaries.


We will submit the application for approval.  It usually takes 1-2 weeks.  


More Complete Explanation below the next video.

​​​The More Comprehensive Process Explanation

IULs are one of the best little known financial secrets on the market.  Where else can you find a financial product with as much potential upside plus protection from market loss, a guaranteed death benefit, and tax-free assets?  I can't think of a better recipe for a retirement portfolio.


IUL is an acronym for Indexed Universal Life.  An IUL policy (or IUL account) is often used to save for retirement, but it can be used for anything really.  The concept is simple.  You apply for an IUL insurance policy.  The insurance company evaluates your health by requesting your official medical report, possibly scheduling a medical exam, or simply interviewing you by phone.  The insurance company will consider your age, height, weight, habits, and hobbies. For example, they will ask if you use tobacco or practice a lot of extreme sports. Then, they determine based on your health and risk factors whether or not you qualify for an IUL life insurance policy.


One of the first things that you must decide is how much you can comfortably afford to contribute to your policy every month.  The person that has the best answer to that question is you.  We would recommend that you save at least 12-20% or more of your income for a comfortable retirement.  Ultimately though, you must contribute what you can comfortably afford.  You are never too young to begin saving for your retirement.  ​


To open an IUL account, you must be located in the U.S.A. and either have a Social Security number, ITIN tax ID number, or W8-BEN, and a government-issued ID.  The younger and healthier you are the better.


If you have not seen a doctor in over a year, the insurance company may insist on a full medical exam.  If a full medical exam is required, the insurance company will pay for it.  They just want to ensure that you are reasonably healthy.


If the whole process is done over the phone, the insurance company will most likely want a current photo of your ID.


Most insurance companies will require you to set up auto-draft from your bank account.  Some insurance companies will absolutely not accept credit cards or checks.  So you will most likely need to provide a bank account and routing number for your premium payments to draw from.  ​ 


The process to get started is simple. We need to know six things:


1. Your first and last name.

2. What state do you live in?

3. How old are you?

4. How is your health?

5. Do you use tobacco?

6. How much money do you want to contribute to your policy every month?


When deciding how much money you want to contribute to your policy, we can show you the projected growth with multiple figures.  So if you want to see what the growth might be at 10% or at 20% of your income, we can make multiple illustrations.  So, if you make $60,000 a year, we could show you what your projections would be at 10% ($6000 a year or $500 a month) or what your projections would be at 20% ($12,000 a year or $1000 a month), or any other amount you decide, even only $100 a month. It's your personal choice, so initially you should provide at least one amount which we can use to create an illustration for you.  We believe that saving something is better than saving nothing, and most Americans feel under-prepared when entering retirement ... so you just need to get started!


You can use the chatbot on to schedule your appointment with us today.  Also, please feel free to review our blog to research more IUL topics.  Or call us now to get started opening your IUL account today!


866.OPEN.IUL ext. 1 for english


866.OPEN.IUL ext. 3 para español​

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